Book club questions

  1. How many women do you see on the cover of this book? (Clue: there are two!)

  2. What did you like most about this book and what did you like least about it?

  3. Which character did you like best? Who did you like least?

  4. Which of Rosalind’s dates, especially in Chapter 4, would you be most likely to date? (Be honest now…)

  5. If you were making a film about this book, who would you cast as Rosalind, Supernova, Lotti, and the other characters?

  6. Does this book remind you of any others you’ve read, even any fiction books or films? Why?

  7. Did you try any self-help activities from the book and which one/s did you connect with most?

  8. If you don’t meditate, what’s your most mindful activity and why do you like it?

  9. What’s the most spiritual place you’ve ever travelled and what did you learn about yourself there? Have you ever travelled solo, and did you like it or hate it?

  10. Have you ever taken a dating break, and if so, what new perspective on yourself and relationships did you gain?

  11. What moment in the book did you find funniest, and what moment did you find most heart-breaking?

  12. Did you see the end of the book coming? Discuss what you think happens next…

If you’ve been affected by any of the themes in this book:
- Reach out for sexual abuse support via the sexual abuse support services  or Safeline.
-If you need someone to talk to, ring the Samaritans.
- If you’ve been affected by narcissistic abuse, contact The Echo Society.